Membership Benefits
Vip Rank
The vip Rank is one of the mini rank that can earn you little by little monthly and can also help you expand more in your investment.
Having an active of 15 downlines
Generate $8,000 in all
Salary =$200
Executive Rank
The executive Rank is more about empowerment and as well getting paid monthly.
Having an active of 15 downlines Generate $15,000 in all
Salary =$450
A Rolex watch worth $10000
Global VIP
Once you’ve left the chaos of security behind you, this benefit transforms your investment experience from an ignorance state into a moment of being part of us. We offer the best service’s and we attend politely to all client’s, you can as well enjoy peace, comfort and as well more of secured investment with us.
Loyalty Rewards
As a customer, you have a choice and you should be rewarded for your loyalty.. our loyalty program provides additional benefits and perks as a ‘thank you’’ for your on-going patronage (Coming Soon!)
Event Tickets
Your access to the best ticket for conventional event, unique experience to share with family and friends. Reach out to customer support and let them figure out the details!